Alluded to above is a specific reason why many weight loss programs do not seem to work, or produce varying results. Like many things, losing weight takes effort... sometimes a lot more effort than the original motivation will carry them through. Don't believe me? Drive around town on a bright Spring day and look into open garages. In home after home, you will see all kinds of expensive exercise equipment surrounded by boxes, pushed into a corner, covered with stuff, or out with the garage sale goods. A few years ago, my wife and I took a job which caused us to be on the road for weeks at a time. I had a which I loved and used religiously. While we were gone, our grown daughters lived in and took care of the house for us. I still remember the first time we came back home after being gone for nearly three weeks. There was my beloved... with all kinds of girlie clothes drying on it! It's still a family joke. A related factor is just plain ignorance. When I got the, one of my daughters was saying she wanted to lose weight. I said she could use the and "create some lean muscle tissue".